Founded in 2005 as an informal network, ECCD brings together 11 national coalitions in a federation. Within the coalitions are professional cultural and creative organisations from cinema, audiovisual, performing arts, editing, music, visual arts and multimedia… These organisations cover all professions in the artistic and cultural sectors such as authors, producers, composers, editors, artists-interpreters, broadcasters…
ECCD work in Brussels to uphold the 2005 UNESCO Convention on the protection and the promotion of cultural diversity which the EU has ratified. To this end, ECCD supports and encourages EU cultural policies that are necessary to underpin the creative industries, creators and our diverse cultures to ensure that they thrive and prosper.
News and Positions
Press release: Unacceptable US threats against EU digital regulations which apply without discrimination to all companies, US, European or not
The European Coalitions for Cultural Diversity (ECCD) express their deep concern about the memorandum signed by the President of the United States on 21 February, which calls into question the European Union’s digital regulations and reopens the investigation into taxes …
Review of the UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee
From 10 to 14 February 2025, Paris hosted the 18th session of the Intergovernmental Committee of the 2005 UNESCO Convention on the Diversity of Cultural Expressions, bringing together all the …
ECCD moderating the exclusive screening of Hungarian film “Semmelweis” in Brussels
On December 10th, at Cinema Palace, Carole Tongue, Chair of the European Coalitions for Cultural Diversity (ECCD), proudly hosted the European Film Agencies’ (EFAD) screening of the Hungarian film “Semmelweis”, …
Adoption of a report promoting discoverability and the protection of artists and authors in the face of generative AI deployment
The European Coalitions congratulate rapporteur Ibán García del Blanco (S&D, Spain) on his report on cultural diversity and conditions for artists and authors in the European music streaming market. The …